Muthill Village Trust (MVT) is a local development trust. We were set up in 2013, following the success of our previous incarnation, Muthill Community Development Association (MCDA).
We have a formal constitution, are a registered Scottish charity and a company limited by guarantee. We are a member of the Development Trust Association Scotland (DTAS).
We can:
Own land and buildings
Apply for funding
Hold funds on behalf of other local organisations
Fundraise for local activities and community purposes
MVT is:
Open and transparent
Welcoming to all as a member or on our Board
Passionate about making Muthill a better place to live and work for everyone​
Our Memorandum and Articles have the following objects:
1.1. To provide within Muthill recreational facilities, or organise recreational activities, with the object of improving the conditions of life for the persons for whom the facilities or activities are primarily intended
1.2. To advance environmental protection and improvement in the community through the provision, maintenance and/or improvement of public open space and other public amenities and other environmental and regeneration projects (but subject to appropriate safeguards to ensure that the public benefits so arising clearly outweigh any private benefit thereby conferred on private landowners)
1.3. To advance heritage and/ or preserve, for the benefit of the general public, the historical, architectural and constructional heritage that may exist in the Muthill area in buildings (including any structure or erection, and any part of a building as so defined) of particular beauty or historical, architectural or constructional interest
1.4. To advance citizenship and/or community development (including the promotion of civic responsibility and the promotion of the voluntary sector and/or the effectiveness or efficiency of charities)
But such that the company shall do so following principles of sustainable development.
We aim to work in partnership with other organisations to achieve the aims of the Trust.

About MVT
MVT can have up to 12 Board members (or Trustees). They must be over 18 years old. Up to 9 may be Full Members of MVT and a further 3 may be Co-opted Non Members. At least one member of the Board should also sit on Muthill Community Council.

The MVT Board 2024-25
There are currently 9 Board Members
Office Bearers
Chairperson: Stephen Coulter
Treasurer: Lucile Black
Board Members
Nick James
Chris Flower
Mairi MacDonald (MCC representative)
Andrew Brickell
Katy Cepok
Amulree Welch
Jimmy Lynch
Company Secretary: Fiona Cannon

Muthill Village Forum
MVT is part of the local community forum. Members of the Forum include Muthill Community Council, Muthill Parish Church, Muthill Village Hall and Muthill Primary School Parent Council.

Membership of MVT
Membership is Free!
There are 3 categories of membership:
Full: Aged over 16 and lives in our designated area, defined as the area served by Muthill Community Council.
Associate: Lives outside of the area but supports the aims of MVT
Youth: Aged 12-15
If you live outwith this area you can join as an Associate Member. Associates have no voting rights and cannot become Board members. Youth members cannot vote or be a member of the Board.

Why Join MVT?
Joining MVT is free and means you can take an active part in your community:
Help develop and shape local projects
Take advantage of cheaper oil through our oil club
Support community events such as the Muthill Sportive