Upcoming MVT Events

Muthill Village Trust is a local development trust. We are a member of the Development Trust Association for Scotland (DTAS), a registered Scottish Charity and a Private Company Limited by Guarantee.
We are a membership organisation, run by people who live in Muthill. Membership is free.
We have a Board of Trustees made up of up to 9 MVT Members and up to 3 Co-opted Members. We hold a public Annual General Meeting every year and our accounts are published on OSCR and Companies House websites.
Want to get in touch with us?
Email us admin@muthillvillagetrust.org
Note that we are volunteers so there may be a delay in responding. Please be patient and we will respond when we can.
Our Projects
MVT exists to improve local facilities and activities for the Muthill community making it a better place to live and work.
We have a number of projects including the Muthill-Crieff Cyclepath, the Muthill Community Hub Project and we run the local oil club. We have also organised the Muthill Community Action Plan with other local community organisations.